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Reception Class

Welcome to Class 1- Reception

IMG 4876 (2)IMG 0340 (1)

Welcome to Class 1! 

Mrs Thomas and Mrs Morrow are our Reception teachers, supported by Miss Smith.   

Pupils in Reception follow the Early Years Framework which sets the standard for the learning, care and development of children until the end of Reception year.  This is divided into the following areas:

The Prime areas of learning:

Communication and language

  • Listening, attention and understanding
  • Speaking

Personal, social and emotional development

  • Self-Regulation
  • Building Relationships
  • Managing Self

Physical development

  • Moving and handling
  • Health and self-care

The 4 specific areas of learning:


  • Comprehension
  • Word Reading
  • Writing


  • Number
  • Mathematical Patterns

Understanding the World

  • Past and Present
  • The Natural world
  • People, Culture and Communities

Expressive Arts and Design

  • Creating with materials
  • Being imaginative and expressive

General Reminders 

  • PE: We have PE on a Tuesday and a Friday. Please make sure your child wears a named PE kit to school on this day. 
  • Forest School: this is on a Tuesday.  Please ensure your child has wellies and suitable outdoor clothing.
  • Water bottles: Please ensure that your child brings a named water bottle in each day. 
  • Snacks: Please ensure that snacks are healthy and nutritious.  Fresh fruit is provided on a daily basis.
  • Homework is given out on a Friday. Please can this be returned on the following Thursday. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on Seesaw. 




Class Photos

Phonics Information