
Internet Safety

While the Internet is a fantastic resource that enriches our lives in many ways, it also comes with risks, especially for young and impressionable children who may access it at home. At our school, we prioritize online safety by providing staff training and regularly educating children about the importance of staying safe online.

As parents, your role in guiding your children to navigate both the opportunities and dangers of the online world is invaluable. It’s essential that you feel confident in supporting your children to use the Internet and social networking sites safely and responsibly.

To assist you, we’ve created informative leaflets offering practical tips and advice. These resources are designed to help you educate, protect, and empower your children, ensuring they develop a balanced and secure approach to using the Internet.

What is e-Safety?

e-Safety is not just related to the Internet. It also includes risks related to the use of computers, games consoles, mobile phones, televisions and tablets. Risks posed may include -

  • Access to illegal, harmful or inappropriate images or other content
  • Unauthorised access to / loss of / sharing of personal information
  • The risk of being subject to grooming by those with whom they make contact on the Internet.
  • The sharing / distribution of personal images without an individual’s consent or knowledge
  • Inappropriate communication / contact with others, including strangers
  • Cyber-bullying
  • Access to unsuitable video / Internet games

What is Digital Literacy?

Digital Literacy is a child's ability to use and access online resources in a safe, responsible and discerning way. Issues associated with this include -

  • An inability to evaluate the quality, accuracy and relevance of information on the Internet
  • Unauthorised access to / loss of / sharing of personal information
  • Plagiarism and copyright infringement
  • Illegal downloading of music or video files
  • The potential for excessive use which may impact on the social and emotional development and learning of the young person.

The new Computing curriculum has put a large emphasis on e-Safety and ‘Digital Literacy’ and at school we work with the children to teach them how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. We believe that it is the right of every child to feel safe and secure when using technology.

How do we teach and promote e-Safety and Digital Literacy?

  • Each year, we take part in Safer Internet Day as a school, raising the profile of e-Safety across the school. In 2025, the theme will be, "Together for a better internet".
  • As part of our Computing Curriculum, each year group follows a set of Digital Literacy lessons designed to introduce the children to different aspects of e-Safety at a level appropriate for the class. Wider issues covering conduct online are also addressed, such as respect for copyright.
  • Expectations for behaviour online are established in classes as part of our work on blogs and websites. Any issues are also discussed as part of class PSHE and Circle Times.
  • Digital Literacy is promoted in assemblies through themed songs and age appropriate videos
  • The school actively monitors online access, blocks inappropriate content and will take action if such content is attempted to be accessed within school. Any serious concerns are addressed as part of the school’s wider safeguarding actions.

Online Safety at home and in school

Keeping children safe online is a shared responsibility, and by working together, schools and families can provide the guidance and support children need to navigate the digital world safely. Here are some steps you can take with your child:

  • Stay engaged with your child’s online activities and know who they are interacting with. Encourage them to teach you about any apps or platforms you’re unfamiliar with. Keeping the computer in a shared family space allows you to be part of their online experience and reduces the likelihood of inappropriate behavior, such as misuse of webcams.
  • Help your child understand the importance of protecting personal information. They should never share details like their messenger ID, email address, phone number, or photos of themselves, family, or friends with online contacts. Remind them that once a picture or video is published online, it can be altered or shared by anyone, and it could even be seen by future employers.
  • If your child receives spam or junk messages, advise them not to believe, reply, or interact with such content. They should also avoid opening files or attachments from unknown sources, as these could contain viruses or inappropriate material.
  • Explain to your child that some people misrepresent themselves online, and they should be cautious about speaking to others via the internet.
  • Maintain open lines of communication so your child feels safe coming to you if something online makes them uncomfortable. Teach them how to block or report someone if needed, and ensure they know they can always reach out for help.

Online Safety Week

One week in February is dedicated to our annual Online Safety week at St Mary’s. All pupils take part in Online Safety lessons, assemblies and discussions during the school day. The purpose of the week is to add emphasis to our on-going work regarding electronic safety for children. Each class has a particular theme that they concentrate on from online stranger danger to cyber bullying to social media.

These websites maybe some use:

CEOP Website

Get Netwise



Below, you will find a selection of helpful leaflets and posters providing valuable information about popular apps, platforms, and games commonly used by children. These resources also include practical tips for staying safe while navigating the online world.

Our E-Safety Policy:

St Mary's E-Safety Policy