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Governing Body

The Governing Body works with the Headteacher in order to manage the school in partnership and also make decisions about how the school is run. The Governors act as a critical friend.

The Board of Directors delegate local responsibilities to the Academy Committee including day to day operational matters such as Catholic Life, health and safety, staffing appointments developing the unique identity, local community and traditions for the school.

Our Governing Body comprises of 9 representatives – each of whom may serve for a period of up to four years.  Every representative works closely to improve the quality of all aspects of the school. Representatives receive training to help them carry out their duties.

Our Governors are parents, teachers and support staff at the school, Parishioners or members of the wider community. 

Our Chair of Governors is Mr John Burke. John can be contacted by email 

Membership of Governing Body 2024/2025

Foundation Governor Mr John Burke (Chair)
Foundation Governor Mr Colm Hagan 
Foundation Governor Mr Adriano Fernandes
Foundation Governor Father Damian Nwankwo
Parent Governor Mrs Sharon Hipkiss
Parent Governor Miss Gemma Davies
Teacher Governor  Mrs Jo Thomas
Headteacher Mrs Alice Wilson
Clerk to the Governors Katy Thomson