Catholic Life

Our Catholic Ethos and Religious Education

At St Mary's, we are deeply committed to supporting our children in attaining a deeper knowledge and spiritual understanding of their Catholic faith. Guided by our school mission statement, "One family united in Christ to be the best that we can be," we strive to educate the whole child by integrating our Catholic ethos throughout the entire curriculum.

Our vision is to help children become ambassadors of Christ through the teachings of Jesus, worship, prayer, and meaningful spiritual encounters. We nurture each child to live out the Gospel values in their daily lives, fostering an environment of faith, love, and community.

Religious Education and Curriculum Integration

Religious Education is at the heart of our school life, taught through the Birmingham Diocesan programme "Learning and Growing as the People of God." In addition to formal lessons, we embed our Catholic faith into every aspect of the curriculum and school life, ensuring that our ethos and mission are inseparable from the way we educate and nurture our students.

Mrs B Gough, our Religious Education Lead and RSE Co-ordinator, oversees this vital aspect of our school, ensuring that children grow spiritually, morally, and socially in line with the teachings of the Church.

Prayer and Worship

Prayer is central to our daily routines at St Mary’s. Children pray at various times during the school day, including morning prayers, lunchtime prayers, and end-of-day prayers. Additionally, we have weekly class prayers and whole-school assemblies, where different forms of prayer and ways of connecting with Christ are introduced. As part of their spiritual development, each year group learns new prayers that reflect their growing understanding of the faith.

We are proud that children take an active role in leading prayer and Collective Worship right from Reception. This sense of spiritual leadership encourages them to develop a personal relationship with Christ, which they can carry with them beyond school life.

Staff meetings begin with a focus on prayer, and our staff participate in termly spiritual experiences delivered by One Life Music, fostering a strong spiritual community among the adults who guide and care for our pupils.


Mass and Sacraments

We celebrate Mass regularly at school and at our local parish church, Our Lady and St Benedict in Wootton Wawen. Parents and parishioners are warmly invited to join us in these celebrations, reinforcing the strong connection between school, home, and parish life.

Children begin their preparation for the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Reconciliation when they enter Year Three. This journey is an essential part of their spiritual development, and we work closely with families and our parish to prepare children for these important milestones in their faith.


Our Lady and St Benedict Parish Church
Priest: Fr Damian Nwankwo
Address: Alcester Road, Wootton Wawen, Warwickshire, B95 6BQ
Phone: 01564 792647
Sunday Mass: 10am
Holyday Masses: 7:30pm
Confessions: Saturdays 11:30am - 12:30pm


Catholic Social Teaching

At St Mary's, we are committed to living out the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. Inspired by the Gospel and the Church’s teachings, we emphasize the importance of dignity, community, and care for the poor and vulnerable. This commitment is woven into our school ethos and drives many of the activities and projects we undertake, encouraging students to see themselves as responsible global citizens with a duty to love and serve others.


Strategic Development and School Improvement

In line with the Our Lady of the Magnificat Strategic Development Plan (2021-2024), we continually strive for excellence in both our spiritual and academic education. Our long-term plan ensures that all aspects of school life are focused on the holistic development of every child, helping them to grow in faith, knowledge, and character.

For more information, you can review our Long-Term Plan for 2023-2024 and the 2022-09 CSI Report on St Mary's Henley-in-Arden. These documents outline our strategic goals and the specific steps we are taking to achieve them.


If you would like to know more about our Religious Education programme, Sacramental preparation, or any other aspect of our school’s Catholic identity, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to continuing our mission to provide a loving, faith-filled environment where every child can thrive as a child of God.